The new song, ‘Paniko Foka’ (Video), by Swaroop Raj Acharya and Benisha Poudel

A song composed by lyricist Narayan Shrestha with the lyrics ‘Paniko Foka’ has been released from the Namaste Narayan YouTube channel.

The song has the voices of singers Swaroop Raj Acharya and Benisha Poudel. This song has music by Rhythm Kandel and was mixed and mastered by Rajesh Shrestha.

Lyricist Shrestha has likened life’s ups and downs to wind gusts and water bubbles in this song, which was recorded at A One Studio. Benisha, a singer of the new generation, and Swaroop Raj, a singer of both classical and modern styles, have a very nice vocal fusion in this song.

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