Director Purnendu Jha, who gave the film ‘Chowka Dau’ earlier, is going to produce the film ‘PJ 3’. After a break of five years, he is going to be seen in film direction, and he is going to make this film a romantic drama.
PJ 3 is the working title of the film. Director Jha stated that the film’s love story, which he described as “love, dedication, and jealousy in one sentence,” will be expressed through the characters of Radha and Rukmini. “This is the love story of the young generation,” the director said. “The character will be impressed with the personalities of both Radha and Rukmini.”
The film is scheduled to begin filming in the new year of 2024 and be released that same year. Jha, who made his directing debut with the film “Sankarshan,” has only revealed the theme poster and has not even revealed the title of the film.
He said that the words and colors used in the poster give the voice of his story. The film, which will be produced in Hindi as well as Nepali, will be produced in collaboration with the Nepali company Purnendu Production and an Indian company.