The poster of the short film ‘Over the Moon’, directed by Shuvechha Thapa, has been released. Actors Samip Niraula and Umesh Khadka are featured in the poster released on Tuesday. Director Thapa said that the film will show the story of homosexuals. ‘If boys and girls want to marry or love, how should they be rejected by society and family. The film depicts what happens if children’s wishes are not supported,’ she said. The story of the film is prepared by Umesh Khadka.
The film by UB Media Entertainment banner, has the cast of Shuvechha Thapa, Samip Niraula, Umesh Khadka, Bimli Sushila Niraula, Rashmi Bhatt, Bhagwan Bhandari, Suresh Pudasaini, Sahara Khadka Chhetri, Chandra Gurung, Roshni Neupane, Mana Maharjan, Rekha KC, Nikisha Shrestha, Bharat Jimba, Gaurav Hamal, Biswal Neupane, Akanksha Gurung and Gopal Dhungana are acting. The film also stars child actors Raksha Dahal and Rohan Bhattarai. The film is shot by Vinod Lama and Khupendra Dhungel.