The sequel of ‘Nango Gaou’ is announced

After the commercially successful Nepali film ‘Nango Village’ became a superhit at the box office, its makers have announced a sequel. The film’s producer, Himal Kadaria, and writer and director Dipendra Lama have agreed to make a sequel to the film.

The production of the film ‘Nango Gaou 2’ has been announced with the tagline ‘A Political Comeback’. In the sequel to the film, the story of the character ‘Pasang’ played by Dayahang Rai returning to the village after some time will be included.

“Many viewers have expressed their grief over the loss and escape of the hero; they have even said that they want the second part,” said producer Kadaria. “We envisioned the second part during the filming of the first part. Now, as the demand for the second part has come from all over, we have reached the decision to move forward with its plan.

Director Lama, who is also the writer of the film, has already written the story of the second part. He says, ‘Now where the story of the film ends, it was actually an interlude. While turning it into a screenplay, the story became long, and we thought of making it into two parts.

In a second segment, filmmaker Lama stated, “Villagers are frightened by Zari’s dread in the village. And the local residents who are afflicted with Zari travel to Kathmandu to retrieve Pasang. Returning to the community, Pasang begins a fight to put an end to Zari’s wrongdoings.

According to the producer, Kadaria, the filming of ‘Nango Gaou 2’ will not be done immediately but after a year. Before that, he has prepared to make another comedy film with director Lama. “I am satisfied with the film ‘Nango Gaou’, that’s why I am going to continue the collaboration with Dipendra,” said producer Kadaria.

Dipendra Lama will draft the script for the comedy film, which will be titled after Tihar. There’s a chance that the “Nango Gaou” team will reappear. After a few days, the production team plans to provide details about the cast and technical crew of thefilm. “This will be my first film that is fully comedic,” the director Lama stated. This time, I want to keep the audience laughing nonstop for two hours.

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