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Nepathya recalled the Koshiko Pani in Tokyo

Kathmandu: The renowned folk rock band Nepathya has held a musical concert in Tokyo, the nation’s capital. More than 3,000 people watched Nepathya play on Tuesday night at the Toyosu Pit Hall, where the performance began with the song “Ghininini Tininini Tininini Ghininini.”

Amrit Gurung, a singer, immediately began singing “Koshiko Pani.” Following that, “Bhedako Oon Jasto” and “Chhekyo Chhekyo” entirely took over the atmosphere. Amrit wanted to address the audience in the middle of the presentation. He reflected on the past and remarked, “In this three-decade voyage, your Nepathya band has also carried a lot of experience. There are many memories between our group friends, from musical to separation, in this Tokyo Land.

After that, a photo of Nepathya’s early years was displayed on the side of the stage as he sang the song “Aaganai bhari hiu nai jhare, aru phool tipi rakhe hai.”

Several Japanese faces may be seen in the program as well as Nepalis who went there for living, employment, or school. The event, which lasted more than two hours and began at precisely 6:30 p.m. local time, featured 16 songs and two music videos. When the final wave of “Main Nache Cham chami,” “Resham,” “Talko Pani,” and finally “Rato ra Chandra Surya” began, the audience, as usual, was seen dancing around the hall.

After the Tokyo concert, the next performance will be held in Fukuoka on 12th August. Nepathya will be resounding at “Fukuoka Civil Hall”.

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