Kathmandu- There are indications that Dayahang Rai and Miruna Magar starrer ‘Jari’ will have an aggressive opening at the domestic box office. By Wednesday afternoon, the shows of the film are almost sold out in the theaters of eastern Nepal. A similar trend has been seen in the halls of Kathmandu Valley.
Distributor Ujjwal Paudel said that the film has an aggressive earning position in the big cities of Mofusal. He said that QFX’s One Stop and Pathibhara Cinema in Birtamod, RS Cineflix in Itahari, Friends Movie in Dharan and QFX’s hall in Biratnagar are almost sold out.
If the situation is like this till Wednesday, it is seen that the entire show will be sold out till Thursday evening. A trend of advance ticket sales has been gradually seen in western cities including Kathmandu, Butwal, and Pokhara,” he said. Advance tickets are also being sold rapidly in the franchises of QFX, Big Movies, INI.
As the film was shot in eastern Nepal and the story is also from the Limbu community, the advance ticket sales of ‘Jari’ in the cities of eastern Nepal have been aggressive. It is seen that the show will be sold out in the East Hall by Saturday. QFX has given 71 shows to Jari and 31 shows to Dayahang’s other film Bihe Pas. The advance ticket sales of the films Bulaki and Bihepass, which are scheduled to release on the same date, are very low.
There are mainly three main reasons behind the aggressive booking by ‘Jari’. First, the Kabaddi 4 craze, secondly, the stardom of Dayahang Rai and Miruna Magar and thirdly, a story based on the Limbu community of eastern Nepal. It is seen that the film can do good business for a few weeks if it gets a positive response from the first weekend performance. The film is also being screened in major international markets.
This film will be released in America, UK, Australia, Japan and all European countries in the first week of April. The release is scheduled for the second week of April in Canada, the third week of April in the Middle East and Hong Kong. Actors Dayahang Rai, Bijay Baral and Miruna Magar along with director Upendra Subba will leave for the premiere in London on April 22.
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