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Yes World’s special initiative to save the earth from global warming, launched this product

YES World Launches Energy-Efficient Glass Solutions: Singapore based company YES World Climate Tech Pte Ltd has launched the world’s first energy efficient Windows solution for home and commercial buildings. This new production line of specialty glasses is part of the company’s Save Earth mission, to reduce carbon footprint from the environment.

Specialty glass solutions include double pane glass and sandwich glass. Contains a layer of patented material that reflects most of the solar radiant heat as well as damaging UV rays from entering the building. Energy efficient glass is the solution to transparent windows, which block solar heat from entering the building and significantly reduce energy consumption, in terms of HVAC load.

YES WORLD is working in the field of climate technology to save our planet from the biggest problem of global warming which is the biggest problem of present times and is seen as a potential threat to our planet . Yes World has adopted a community driven approach to create awareness about climate change and global warming.

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Global warming is a dangerous problem

According to many scientists, global warming is one such dangerous problem and if nothing is done to stop global warming, the earth will end by 2040. Yes World understood the gravity of the biggest problem and started a big initiative to find a solution to the problem. After spending lot of time and years of research, dedication and handwork, YES WORLD finally came up with Energy Efficient Windows Solutions on Friday (January 6) to combat the biggest problem facing mankind. launched.

What is the product of Yes World

YES World’s energy efficient glass solution for windows is a revolutionary product that reflects up to 85% of the heat coming from the sun. This unique solution addresses all the shortcomings of the building envelope related to windows. The product effectively provides beneficial control over reflectivity, emissivity, absorption, radiant heat gain, solar heat gain, privacy, as well as being a passive solar collector, absorbing sunlight and radiating free heat into the building. does. It is a perfect solution for green building structure. Yes World is already in touch with several construction management and compliance agencies who work on green buildings and have obtained necessary accreditations.

The energy efficient glass product line from Yes World not only reduces radiant heat, thereby reducing the greenhouse effect in a building, but also reflects back 92% of the harmful UV rays that pass through the window, reducing fading and loss of sunlight. Minimizes damage. It controls glare issues for sensitive eyes as well with its unique one way vision design.

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