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Twitter’s ‘Blue Tick’ is expensive for Android users, with a monthly fee of $11

Micro blogging site Twitter had launched its popular blue subscription feature almost a month ago. However, the feature was only available for certain users.

Twitter launched the feature only for iOS app and desktop version users. Now Twitter’s ‘Blue Tick’ subscription feature is also available for Android users.

According to Twitter, Twitter Blue can now be used by Android users as well. But Twitter has kept the Twitter Blue subscription fee more expensive for Android users than for iOS and web users. Now Android users will have to pay $11 per month to get Blue Tick on Twitter.

However, along with maintaining the expensive fee on Android, Twitter has also increased the monthly fee of $8 for iOS users to $11. For using Twitter in the web version, 8 dollars per month has been fixed.

Currently, Twitter’s blue subscription feature has been launched only in the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and Japan.

A blue checkmark i.e. tick will be provided to the user along with the Twitter Blue subscription. In addition, users who have a blue subscription will get facilities such as editing their tweets, uploading a 1080 pixel video, and going into reader mode.

Also, users who have purchased Blue Tick will have to see fewer ads on Twitter than other regular users. Priority will also be given to replies and tweets of verified Twitter users. With the help of the agency

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