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The song “Phool” from the film “Unko Sweeter” now has a music video.

Six months prior, a portion of the song “Timi Jastai Nayno,” featuring vocals and music by Sujan Chapagain and lyrics by Harak Saud, was made public upon the announcement of the film’s production. Many were waiting for the full version of the song after it became popular. The song’s full version has finally been released in time for Valentine’s Day. The song is “full of love” and lasts five minutes.

The romantic tale of Bipin Karki and Miruna Magar, the film’s two central characters, is depicted in the music video. In the video, a hill farm features Bipin and Miruna, who appear in their youthful avatars, sharing affection. In Kathmandu, Hill Farm is ready and established. The two main characters’ emotions and the overall aesthetic of the movie will be partially portrayed in this song, according to director Nabin Chauhan.

The cast of the movie also includes Rupesh Lama, Prakash Basnet, Lakshmi Yonghang, Naresh Lawati, Milan Khatri, Arun Pun Magar, Bhawana Khapangi Magar, Maotse Gurung, Anil Subba, Suraj Tamu, Alex Paras, and Milan Khatri. The director Chauhan has written the script for the movie, which will be filmed in Baisakh. This marks his first time directing a feature film.

The film’s music will be directed by Sujan Chapagain and Kobid Bazra, while Harak Saud and Jhuma Limbu penned the lyrics. The directors of acting and casting are Anil Subba and Suraj Tamu. Chintanraj Bhandari, a cinematographer, will be shooting the movie. Krishna Bhandari will edit the film, which will be shot in Panchthar. The movie’s plot indicates that the production team intends to release it in the fall of the following year.

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