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The music video for a new song ‘Badhana Malai’ by Singer Rekha Shah

Singer Rekha Shah, who rose to prominence in the Nepali music scene with the song “Simsime Panima,” has just dropped a new song on her YouTube channel called “Badhana Malai.” Her vocal accompaniment was provided by the younger singer and musician Ravi Sharma.

Singer Sharma composed the song’s melody, while Puskar Khatri penned the lyrics. Puskar Khatri did the song’s arrangement, mixing, and mastering.

Rupesh Thapa was the director and photographer of the “Singing Version” music video. Singers Sharma and Shah both appeared in the video as performers.

Singer Shah, a student of classical music, has filled her voice with western-style music in this song. She said that she is hopeful that the audience will like the lyrics and the new flavor of the music.

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