Kedar Ghimire ‘Magne Buda’ in film ‘Kangaroo’

Comedian Kedar Ghimire, a.k.a. “Magne Buda,” has agreed to feature in Samrat Basnet’s upcoming film “Kangaroo.” The artist Ghimire and the production team have formally signed an agreement. Director Basnet had previously announced that he would be producing ‘Kangaroo’. Earlier, he produced the film ‘Lakhe’ in the action genre.

Under the direction of Rajiv Gurung (Deepak Manange), this film is being made in the comedy, thriller, and suspense genres.

Actor Ghimire stated that he was extremely excited to sign the contract to work on this film. Artist Ghimire is going to work for the second time under a banner other than the ‘Chakka Panja’ team.

This film is going to be produced in collaboration with Asap Entertainment, Fullmoon Motion Pictures, and Uttargaya Music and Film. The film has Prem Thapa, Dhan Bahadur Gurung, and Lakshmi Rai as producers.

Ronish Bahadur Basnet and Nishan Shrestha are co-producers of the film. Tika Bhandari and Santosh Adhikari (Australia) are the executive producers of the film, and Asap Entertainment (Australia) is the line producer of the film.

The film has Seema Gurung’s story and Mahesh Dawadi’s screenplay. Lakshmi Jewelers (UK) has also collaborated in the production of the film. The production designer of the film is Dilip Pant.

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