It is important to love yourself

Kathmandu. Often we love others. To children, to parents, to lovers, to spouses. We take care of them in different ways, we show love. But do we love ourselves?

Perhaps this question can be unanswered for many. From childhood, we are taught to love others and behave well. It is said that if we love others, others like us and love us. But no one teaches us that we should also love ourselves.

In the race of life, we get so busy that we need to be sick to know whether we are breathing in or out, says actress and Osho saint Shobhita Sinkhra.

‘There is a family and a society only when you are yourself. So, first of all, you should learn to love yourself,’ she says, ‘You should try to keep yourself mentally and physically healthy. You should also think about what makes you happy.’

Most people live for the happiness of their family rather than for themselves. Sinkhada’s understanding is that we forget to love ourselves while focusing on loving others.

‘We must love ourselves, respect ourselves, accept ourselves. We should love and respect ourselves the way we love and respect others,’ she says.

Shobhita Singhada

It is important to love yourself

Loving yourself helps to build positive thinking. Sinkhada says that when you love yourself, you are mentally and emotionally calm and happy.

‘It is like a cure for people who are suffering from sadness or depression,’ she says, ‘If you love yourself, you can get out of various problems.’

When we love ourselves, others also love us. Sinkhada says that you have to accept yourself first for happiness and love.

Why can’t people love themselves?

Sinkhra says, ‘If someone loves himself, he is called selfish. A person who compares himself with others is also not loving himself.

‘How a person’s childhood was spent also affects whether he loves himself or not,’ she says.

Sinkhada says that people who did not get much love in their childhood and only received insults and comparisons from others, think that they are not worthy of love. Another reason for not loving yourself can be bad events that happen in life.

If bad things are happening in a person’s life, he starts thinking that he is not good, his fate is not good. If he was good, why would he be bad? It reduces his love for himself,’ says Sinkha.

How to love yourself?

Loving yourself means paying attention to how your body and mind feel. These include getting enough sleep, eating healthy, meeting people around you and paying attention to what’s going on in your mind.

‘Many things come and go in life, but once you learn to love yourself, it stays with you forever,’ says Sinkhada.

To love yourself, you must first recognize and accept the qualities within yourself. Respecting that makes you different from others, says Sinkhada. Spending time alone is an opportunity to understand yourself.

So take time for yourself. During that time, you can watch your favorite movies, go to your favorite places, read books and listen to songs. All these things teach you to love yourself and make you feel good,’ she suggests.

Comparing yourself with other people makes you sad. It gives me the feeling that I have nothing, I am not capable. Sinkhada says that such thoughts always feel empty in the mind. She advises you to pay attention to what you have, what you have got and be happy with it.

To love yourself, you must first remove negative thoughts and negative people from your life. You should stay away from people who are always disappointed.

Sinkhada suggests, ‘Because of negative thinking and people with such thinking, there may be a situation where you lose both your self-esteem and self-love. Therefore, make friends only with people who motivate, show the right path in mistakes and want the best.’

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