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Hollywood is building a fictitious set as Nepal for the film ‘Ice Road 2: Road to the Sky’ (Photo)

Filming for Liam Neeson’s highly anticipated Hollywood thriller “Ice Road 2” gets underway this week in Walhalla, Victoria, Australia.

Although the story and setting are entirely Nepalese, the shooting of the Hollywood film started by erecting a set of fake geography and houses in Nepal. The main plot of the film revolves around the Kodari (Araniko) highway and Barharbise. The location and set of the film can be seen in the obtained picture, which is exactly like Nepal. In one of the photos of Hollywood actor Neeson, who joined the set a few days ago, ‘Pahelo Putli Lodge’ is written in Nepali characters.

The foreign press reported that every building in the area known as Walhalla had been painted to resemble Nepal; there was also a Nepal Police van with the sign ‘Nepal Police’; another picture showed the Darbang Fresh building and Vegetable Shop, while Darbang is the name of a village in Myagdi.

According to Variety magazine, this is the second series of the 2021 hit film ‘The Ice Road’. Liam Neeson plays the role of a truck driver and rescuer in the film.

The shooting of this film was earlier planned to be done in Northern Canada, but the production of the film has been shifted to the Australian state of Victoria. Die Hard with a Vengeance, Armageddon, and Jumanji fame writer Jonathan Haynes is directing this film.

The Australian federal and state governments have announced financial support for film through the Location Incentive Scheme, the Victorian Screen Incentive, and the Regional Location Assistance Fund. It is said that the filming of this film will benefit the state of Victoria by 20 million US dollars. It is said that the filming will create jobs and boost economic activity in the state of Victoria.

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