The documentary film ‘Sahayak Sriman’ (Co-Husband) about polygamy has won an award worth 1 Corer 30 Lakh rupees in Japan. The film directed by Ganesh Pandey has won an amount equivalent to one hundred thousand US dollars at the 5th Mehodo International Youth Visual Media Festival held in Kyushu, Japan.
3,533 films from 122 countries were competing in the Mehodo festival. Co-husband won this award in the last competition. Director Pandey addressed the award ceremony on the last day of the 10-day festival.
I consider this award as the biggest achievement of my career so far. It is a matter of pride for a Nepali documentary to win a fund of 100,000 US dollars. This is good news not only for me but also for Nepal and Nepali people,” he said. Director Pandey has been given this award for his upcoming documentary project. “This amount will help me to get another new documentary film to the audience,” he said.
Meanwhile, the film also won an award at the Gateway International Film Festival in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. Pandey’s previous documentary ‘Bhagyle Bacheka Haru’, which had previously become a global hit, tells the story of a character who managed to survive an earthquake. The film also won a prize of one thousand dollars at the Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival (KIMF).
This 35-minute documentary film based on polygamy was shot in Humla, Karnali Pradesh. For the first time, director Pandey brought to the screen the subject of the strange custom of marrying the same wife, where there are as many brothers as there are brothers in a house, which is common in some Himalayan districts of Nepal. Director Pandey produced Co-Husband after four years of filming and research.
The film is produced by Sharda Gayre. Chief Assistant Director and Scene Editor is Ishwar Koirala and Assistant Director is Nripraj Hamal. Similarly, Ishwar Koirala, Chandman Dangol, Avinash Lama and Pukar Timilsina have captured this documentary on camera. The music has been composed by composer Jugal Dangol.
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