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‘Best Singer Award’ to singer Yaman Majhi

Singer Yaman Majhi (Majhi King) was honored with the Best Singer Award.

He was honored with the highest singer award in the 6th Manaslu National Award 2079 organized by Manaslu Media Pvt. Ltd. at Rashtriya Nachghar on Saturday.

In appreciation of his contribution to the music field as well as to the Majhi community for a long time, he was honored with a certificate through the Best Singer Award.

He said that after receiving the award, he got more encouragement. In order to preserve his language, customs and culture, he made some courses himself and taught Majhi language in Kathmandu and in different villages.

For the upliftment of the Majhi community, Yaman Majhi has also produced songs and film documentaries.

He won the Best New Actor Award at the first Gyomo Gang Film Awards-2018 for his role in ‘Mongo Donga 2’.

He has sung in many Nepali and Majhi language songs and has also acted in some Nepali movies.

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