The song ‘Chahanchhu 5’ in the voice of singer Pratap Das has been released through the Youtube channel Saroj Pokharel. The song has lyrics and music by Saroj Pokharel, arrangements by Debesh Rai, and mixing and mastering by Kishore Thapa.
In the video, which Saroj Pokharel presents, Barun Adhikari and Kusum Sharma are featured. On the occasion of English New Year 2024, the pair of Barun and Kusum is very suitable for the public romantic flavor song.
Artist Barun Adhikari is a famous person who has directed Nepali films through Nepali comedy teleserials and music videos for a decade. He has been living in America for the past 5 years. After the release of the song, Barun said, ‘We have made a music video covering the love story of the last generation. I hope the audience will like the pairing of Kusum and Mine on reel. We have worked hard. We hope that the result will be good.
Recorded in A One Musician, the song features Ratna BK’s flute and Rajesh Shrestha’s recording.
The music video directed by Sajan Katel has makeup by Poonam Chaudhary, cinematography by Dinesh Parajuli, editing by Rakesh Dahal and a concept by Saroj Pokharel.