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Arnico Panday Refuses To Part Ownership Of Rabbi Lamichhane’s Ignominious Press Conference

Rastriya Swatantra party core member Arnico Panday distanced himself from President Rabi Lamichhane’s ignominious press conference on Sunday.

Lamichhane held the press conference after a joint meeting of the party’s central committee and the parliamentary party held at the party’s Basundhara office on Sunday decided to withdraw his ministers and continue his support for the government over Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal’s refusal. Dahal to give the Ministry of the Interior. to the party.

Lamichhane, a former TV presenter, criticized the media, including Setopati, for covering his citizenship and passport controversy, and turned to insulting editors, including Setopati’s, in what was essentially an unhinged tirade about his inability to return. to be appointed Minister of the Interior. He also made disparaging comments about social media influencers, among others, during his press conference.

Panday took to social media on Wednesday to distance himself from the fiasco, stressing that the party must be above an individual. “Yes, I am a co-owner of the RSP decision on Sunday; we discussed extensively. No, I was not part of the press conference. homework. And I do not co-own the narrative, its delivery, and its omissions. RSP must overcome the emotions of a leader to stand up for the young, the marginalized and the hopeful of Nepal,” he posted on Twitter.

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