Actress Usha Rajak shared a post in remembrance of the late actor Saruk Tamrakar.

Six months ago, on Asadh 21, actor Saruk Tamrakar was discovered dead in his Ratopul, Kathmandu, home. On Thursday night, at 11 p.m., the police discovered him hanging.

Saruk began his acting career in the movie “Rani” and went on to act in films such as “Meri Mamu” and “Intu Mintu London.” He departed this life while filming “Hashtag Maya.” Saruk is the son of actor Sanu Tamrakar, who also entered the film industry, following in his father’s footsteps. Actor Sanu Tamrakar passed away shortly after his son Saruk Tamrakar’s death.

Meanwhile, actress Usha Rajak is shocked to learn of the death of actor Saruk Tamrakar. Since it has been almost six months since Saruk’s suicide, Usha expressed her grief in a lengthy post, even going so far as to refer to Saruk’s suicide as a result of a casting couch.

Her lengthy essay, which was released on the eve of the English New Year, covers a lot more ground. It discusses everything, from the two instances she made public in the interim to the fact that she was unable to control herself.

She began writing about her heart while she was still alive, hoping to lighten her heart, but instead she wrote with a sad heart, knowing that even in death, he would not receive justice. In the end, she wished for both Saruk’s soul and her mental peace.

Her post on Facebook

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